Sunday, July 1, 2007

What Are The Best Herpes Simplex Medicines, Conventional or Alternative?

Although there is no cure for the disease, there are plenty of herpes simplex medicines out there that can help you manage the virus effectively. Whether you suffer from the oral or genital variety, your outbreaks may not require much treatment at all. Some cases are very mild, only lasting one to two weeks. For more severe cases, treatments may help lessen the pain and shorten the length of the outbreak.

Herpes simplex medication comes in many forms. Treatments range from home remedy solutions and herbal options, to the vast array of prescription meds out on the market. Understanding the virus and your body will help you decide which route to take when it comes to remedies for your outbreaks.

Your doctor will know which prescription herpes simplex medicines will work best for you. Some popular types of drugs your physician may prescribe are antivirals such as Famciclovir, Pancyclovir, Acyclovir and Valacyclovir. These names may not seem familiar, as they are not the brand names you might have heard of. Therefore, doing a basic search on these meds before visiting your doctor can be quite helpful.

Herpes simplex medication can also be found in nutritional supplements, as well as herbal form. Some supplements that may help control your outbreaks are Propolis, Lysine and Zinc. These supplements can help boost your immune system, which helps keep frequent outbreaks at bay. Some herbs that can also help manage herpes are tea tree oil, lemon balm, aloe, and peppermint oil. You must keep in mind that many of these herbs and supplements are soothing agents. This does not mean that herbs and other supplements will cure your outbreaks immediately or completely. This only means that it may help make the length of an outbreak shorter and less uncomfortable.

Sometimes, herpes simplex medicines aren’t needed at all. In many cases, where outbreaks are mild, a simple lifestyle change will do. Wearing loose fitting clothing and taking lukewarm baths can help soothe any discomfort you may have. Always remember to dry the infected area completely after taking a bath or shower. Be sure to wash with mild or unscented soaps to avoid extra irritation. Another trick that tends to work is applying ice to affected area. Again, make sure you dry yourself completely.

If you’re not a huge fan of taking herpes simplex medication, in any form, because your outbreaks are extremely mild, there are other ways to minimize discomfort. Stress can cause more frequent outbreaks, so when you feel tense, go get a massage. Acupuncture, self-hypnosis and other relaxation techniques may help, but there hasn’t been enough research to support this claim.

As mentioned earlier, there is no cure for herpes. However, the above options for herpes simplex medicines can help you keep living life to the fullest. With proper care, you can stay in control for many years, having a long and rewarding life.

Sheldon Miller is a health researcher who has been studying natural remedies for herpes and other STDs for many years. He is a regular contributor to Herpes Symptoms Guide. Discover the different types of herpes simplex medication as well as how to recognize symptoms on our site.

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